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Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 39(supl.1): 19-34, mayo 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011452


Resumen Introducción. Los caballos de trabajo de la Policía Nacional tienen un estrecho contacto con sus manejadores y la población en general durante las actividades recreativas y de patrullaje, lo cual puede favorecer la transmisión de la leptospirosis en los caballos y el personal ocupacionalmente expuesto. Objetivo. Caracterizar epidemiológicamente la leptospirosis mediante pruebas de serología, urocultivo y reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (Polymerase Chain Reaction, PCR) en caballos de trabajo y personal con riesgo ocupacional pertenecientes a seis unidades de la Policía Nacional de Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se evaluaron 153 caballos machos castrados y 123 personas en las seis unidades en los municipios de Manizales, Pereira, Armenia, Ibagué, Tuluá y Cali. Se utilizaron tres formatos estructurados para recabar información y se obtuvieron muestras sanguíneas de las personas y de los caballos, las cuales se procesaron con la prueba de aglutinación microscópica (Macroscopic Agglutination Test, MAT) para 24 serogrupos. Se practicó el examen clínico de los caballos y se obtuvieron muestras de orina para el urocultivo y la PCR convencional. Resultados. La seroprevalencia de Leptospira spp. fue de 3,25 % (n=4) en las personas y de 85 % (n=130) en los caballos. Entre los caballos, los serogrupos Djasiman y Shermani fueron los más prevalentes. El urocultivo fue positivo en el 64,7 % (99/153) de las muestras, en tanto que los análisis de PCR fueron negativos. Se encontró una asociación estadísticamente significativa de la frecuencia de salida de las instalaciones (p=0,009) y la presencia de fauna silvestre (p=0,051) con la infección por el serogrupo Shermani. Conclusión. Las características epidemiológicas de la leptospirosis en los caballos sugieren una presentación endémica de la infección y su papel como reservorios de la bacteria; sin embargo, debe dilucidarse la patogenia de la enfermedad con estudios complementarios.

Abstract Introduction: Police working horses are in close contact with their managers and the general population during recreational and patrol activities, which can favor the transmission of leptospirosis among the horses and the occupationally exposed personnel. Objective. To characterize epidemiologically leptospirosis through serology, urine culture and PCR in working horses and in the occupationally exposed population in six police stations in Colombia. Materials and methods. We tested 153 castrated male horses and 123 people in six police stations in the municipalities of Manizales, Pereira, Armenia, Ibagué, Tuluá, and Cali. Three structured formats were applied and blood samples were obtained from people and horses, which were processed with the Macroscopic Agglutination Test, (MAT) for 24 serogroups. Horses were subject to a clinical examination, and urine samples were obtained for urine culture and conventional PCR. Results. The seroprevalence of human Leptospira spp. was 3.25% (n=4) while in horses it was 85% (n=130). Among the horses, serogroups Djasiman and Shermani were the most prevalent. The urine culture was positive in 64.7% (99/153) of the samples, whereas PCR analyzes were negative. A statistically significant association was found between the frequency of exiting the facilities (p=0.009) and the presence of wildlife (p=0.0051) with the infection by serogroup Shermani. Conclusion. The epidemiological characteristics of leptospirosis in horses suggest an endemic presentation of the infection and its role as reservoirs of the bacteria; however, it is necessary to elucidate the pathogenesis of the disease with complementary studies.

Adult , Animals , Dogs , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Police , Horse Diseases/epidemiology , Leptospirosis/epidemiology , Animal Husbandry , Occupational Diseases/epidemiology , Swimming , Urine/microbiology , Agglutination Tests , Seroepidemiologic Studies , Colombia/epidemiology , Disease Notification , Symptom Assessment/veterinary , Serogroup , Horse Diseases/microbiology , Horses , Leptospira/isolation & purification , Leptospira/classification , Leptospirosis/microbiology , Leptospirosis/veterinary , Occupational Diseases/microbiology
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 39(4): 255-262, Apr. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1002812


Canine leptospirosis is definitely diagnosed by demonstrating seroconversion in paired serum samples from the acute and convalescent period by the microagglutination test (MAT). However, the application of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay can provide earlier confirmation of suspected cases. The objective of this study was to evaluate two PCR assays used in diagnosis of human leptospirosis (lipL32 real-time PCR and rrs conventional PCR) in cultured microorganisms and experimentally contaminated samples (whole blood, serum, urine), and investigate their applicability in clinical samples from dogs with presumptive diagnosis of leptospirosis by using the MAT as a reference. The analytical sensitivity of the lipL32 real-time PCR was 1 genome equivalent per reaction, whereas that for the rrs conventional PCR was 10 genome equivalents per reaction. Both assays amplified the pathogenic strains but were negative when evaluating the DNA of other microorganisms that may be present in clinical samples. The lipL32 real-time PCR detected 100 bacteria/mL in whole blood samples, 1000 bacteria/mL in serum samples and 10 bacteria/mL in urine samples, whereas the rrs conventional PCR detected 1000 bacteria/mL in whole blood and serum samples and 100 bacteria/mL in urine samples. Seven out of the 51 samples from dogs with presumptive diagnosis of leptospirosis were considered as confirmed cases. ThelipL32 real-time PCR detected positive results in six of the seven confirmed cases, whereas the rrs conventional PCR detected four. The PCR assays evaluated proved to be useful diagnostic tools in the confirmation of canine leptospirosis when used together with the MAT.(AU)

O diagnóstico definitivo da leptospirose canina é geralmente realizado demonstrando a seroconversão em amostras do paciente no período agudo e de convalescença por serologia. No entanto, a aplicação de técnicas de PCR pode contribuir para a confirmação de casos suspeitos num período de tempo mais curto. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar dois ensaios de PCR publicados em humanos (PCR-lipL32 em tempo real e PCR-rrs convencional) em culturas puras e em amostras de sangue com anticoagulante, soro e urina experimentalmente contaminados. Posteriormente, investigamos a utilidade de ambos os ensaios de PCR em amostras clínicas de cães com suspeita de leptospirose tomando a técnica de microaglutinação (MAT) como referência. A sensibilidade analítica foi de 1 e 10 genoma equivalente por reação para PCR-lipL32 em tempo real e para PCR-rrs convencional, respectivamente. Ambos os ensaios amplificaram corretamente as 14 estirpes patogênicas, mas foram negativos para avaliar o ADN de outros microrganismos que poderiam estar presentes em amostras clinicas. Em nas amostras experimentalmente contaminadas PCR-LipL32 em tempo real detectou 100 bactérias/mL em sangue total, 1000 bactérias/mL em soro e 10 bactérias/mL em urina. Enquanto o PCR-rrs convencional detectou 1000 bactérias/mL em sangue total e soro e 100 bactérias/mL na urina. Dos 51 cães suspeitos, sete foram considerados casos confirmados pela MAT. O PCR-lipL 32 em tempo real detectou seis dos sete casos confirmados, enquanto o PCR-rrs convencional foi positivo em quatro deles. As técnicas de PCR avaliadas provaram ser uma ferramenta de diagnóstico útil na confirmação de casos clínicos caninos quando utilizados em conjunto com a técnica MAT.(AU)

Animals , Dogs , Polymerase Chain Reaction/methods , Polymerase Chain Reaction/veterinary , Leptospira/isolation & purification , Leptospira/genetics , Leptospirosis/diagnosis , Leptospirosis/microbiology , Leptospirosis/urine , Leptospirosis/blood , Argentina
Braz. j. microbiol ; 49(4): 900-908, Oct.-Dec. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-974290


ABSTRACT Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization and Time of Flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) is a powerful tool for the identification of bacteria through the detection and analysis of their proteins or fragments derived from ribosomes. Slight sequence variations in conserved ribosomal proteins distinguish microorganisms at the subspecies and strain levels. Characterization of Leptospira spp. by 16S RNA sequencing is costly and time-consuming, and recent studies have shown that closely related species (e.g., Leptospira interrogans and Leptospira kirschneri) may not be discriminated using this technology. Herein, we report an in-house Leptospira reference spectra database using Leptospira reference strains that were validated with a collection of well-identified Brazilian isolates kept in the Bacterial Zoonosis Laboratory at the Veterinary Preventive Medicine and Animal Health Department at Sao Paulo University. In addition, L. interrogans and L. kirschneri were differentiated using an in-depth mass spectrometry analysis with ClinProTools™ software. In conclusion, our in-house reference spectra database has the necessary accuracy to differentiate pathogenic and non-pathogenic species and to distinguish L. interrogans and L. kirschneri.

Humans , Bacterial Typing Techniques/methods , Tandem Mass Spectrometry/methods , Leptospira/isolation & purification , Leptospirosis/microbiology , Brazil , DNA, Bacterial/genetics , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S/genetics , Spectrometry, Mass, Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption-Ionization/methods , Leptospira/classification , Leptospira/genetics , Leptospira/chemistry
Braz. j. microbiol ; 49(4): 795-800, Oct.-Dec. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-974314


ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of anti-Leptospira spp. antibodies in female buffalo in the state of Pernambuco. A total of 123 female buffalo blood samples were collected from five properties distributed in the state of Pernambuco. The microscopic agglutination test was used to study anti-Leptospira spp. antibodies. The occurrence of anti-Leptospira spp. antibodies was 28.5% (35/123; CI 20.7-37.3%) and on different properties, the occurrence ranged from 28.6% to 80.0%, with 100% of the properties showing animals with positive results. The serovars of the serogroup Sejroe with a higher incidence were Hardjoprajtino (CTG strain, 49.1%) and Hardjo (Prajtino genotype, 43.2%), followed by serogroup Grippotyphosa with the Grippotyphosa serovar (3.9%), serogroup Pomona with the Pomona serovar (1.9%), and the Icterohaemorrhagiae serovar Copenhageni (1.9%). This was the first record of the occurrence of anti-Lepstospira spp. antibodies in female buffalo in the state of Pernambuco. Control measures are necessary to prevent health and economic losses, given that the agent involved affects animal reproduction, triggering drops in conception rates or even clinical cases of abortion.

Animals , Female , Cattle , Buffaloes/microbiology , Cattle Diseases/blood , Leptospira/immunology , Leptospirosis/veterinary , Antibodies, Bacterial/blood , Brazil , Agglutination Tests , Buffaloes/immunology , Cattle Diseases/immunology , Cattle Diseases/microbiology , Serogroup , Leptospira/isolation & purification , Leptospira/genetics , Leptospirosis/immunology , Leptospirosis/microbiology , Leptospirosis/blood , Antibodies, Bacterial/immunology
Braz. j. microbiol ; 49(3): 584-590, July-Sept. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-951807


Abstract A modified TaqMan real-time polymerase chain reaction targeting a 138 bp fragment within the lipl32 gene was developed to identify exclusively pathogenic Leptospira spp. in dog urine samples. Thirty-five samples from dogs with suspected clinical leptospirosis and 116 samples from apparently healthy dogs were tested for presence of leptospiral DNA using the TaqMan-based assay. The results were compared with those from a well-established conventional PCR targeting the 16S RNA encoding gene associated with nucleotide sequencing analysis. The overall agreement between the assays was 94.8% (confidence interval [CI] 95% 88-100%). The newly developed assay presented 91.6% (CI 95% 71.5-98.5%) relative sensitivity (22[+] lipl32 PCR/24[+] 16S RNA and sequencing), 100% (CI 95% 96.3-100%) relative specificity and 98.7% accuracy (CI 95% 94.8-100%). The lipl32 assay was able to detect and quantify at least 10 genome equivalents/reaction. DNA extracted from 17 pathogenic Leptospira spp., 8 intermediate/saprophytic strains and 21 different pathogenic microorganisms were also tested using the lipl32 assay, resulting in amplification exclusively for pathogenic leptospiral strains. The results also demonstrated high intra and inter-assay reproducibility (coefficient of variation 1.50 and 1.12, respectively), thereby qualifying the newly developed assay as a highly sensitive, specific and reliable diagnostic tool for leptospiral infection in dogs using urine specimens.

Animals , Dogs , Bacterial Outer Membrane Proteins/genetics , Urine/microbiology , Dog Diseases/diagnosis , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction/methods , Leptospira/isolation & purification , Leptospirosis/veterinary , Lipoproteins/genetics , Bacterial Outer Membrane Proteins/urine , Sensitivity and Specificity , Dog Diseases/urine , Leptospira/genetics , Leptospirosis/diagnosis , Leptospirosis/microbiology , Leptospirosis/urine , Lipoproteins/urine
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 51(3): 364-367, Apr.-June 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041463


Abstract INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to detect anti-Leptospira spp antibodies and Leptospira DNA in domestic dogs. METHODS: Blood and urine from 106 dogs were evaluated by microscopic agglutination test (MAT) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), respectively. RESULTS: Six (5.7%) and one (1%) animals were positive by MAT and PCR, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: These results show a low prevalence of infection by Leptospira spp. The absence of positive results for the Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup indicates the small relevance of these dogs as sources of human leptospirosis.

Animals , Dogs , Agglutination Tests/veterinary , Polymerase Chain Reaction/veterinary , Dog Diseases/diagnosis , Leptospira/classification , Leptospirosis/veterinary , Brazil/epidemiology , Prevalence , Dog Diseases/microbiology , Dog Diseases/epidemiology , Leptospira/genetics , Leptospira/immunology , Leptospirosis/diagnosis , Leptospirosis/microbiology , Leptospirosis/epidemiology
Braz. j. microbiol ; 48(3): 483-488, July-Sept. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-889131


Abstract Background: Leptospirosis is an infectious and acute disease caused by Leptospira spp. that have high epidemic potential. This study verified the main Leptospira spp. serovars detected by MAT from serum of patients with suspicion of leptospirosis from 2008 to 2012 in Minas Gerais State. Methods: The laboratory received sera from 4654 patients. All serum were screened by IgM-ELISA according to the manufacturer's instructions. Each sample reactive or indeterminate were tested against twenty-four serovars of Leptospira by MAT. Results: In this study, 597 patients were classified as reactive on MAT. Only 301 patients were confirmed by laboratory test. It was not possible confirmation by laboratory diagnosis of 296 patients. Among the samples classified as reactive on MAT, 273 patients exhibited titers bigger than 800 for one or more serovars; seroconversion was detected in 28 cases. Percentage of 85.1% of the samples reactive on MAT corresponded to males, 39.4% corresponded to patients aged between 20 and 39 years old. The most common serovars found were Icterohaemorrhagiae, Andamana, Patoc, Tarassovi, Copenhageni, Hardjo and Australis. Concerning the samples that exhibited titers bigger than 800, serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae was also the most common, followed by Copenhageni, Andamana, Patoc, Tarassovi, Grippotyphosa and Canicola. In this study, 40% of the cases occurred to the metropolitan area, state capital and 34 neighboring towns. Conclusion: Our results show the possibly spreading serovars in Minas Gerais State and contribute to knowledge of human leptospirosis, aiming at improving the prevention, control of the disease, as well as the treatment of infected patients.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Leptospira/isolation & purification , Leptospirosis/epidemiology , Leptospirosis/microbiology , Antibodies, Bacterial/blood , Brazil/epidemiology , Leptospira/classification , Leptospira/genetics , Leptospira/immunology , Leptospirosis/blood , Leptospirosis/diagnosis
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 50(3): 396-398, May-June 2017. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041407


Abstract INTRODUCTION: Leptospirosis is an important health concern in Brazil. Currently, information on the epidemiology of the disease in the rural areas of the country is lacking. METHODS: Serological and molecular techniques were used to characterize a clinical isolate of Leptospira. RESULTS: The strain CLEP 00060, isolated from a 59-year-old man in a rural area of Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, was identified as belonging to L. kirschneri serogroup Pomona serovar Mozdok. CONCLUSIONS: This study contributes to the local epidemiological knowledge of leptospirosis, prevention of the disease by vaccines, and improvements in its diagnosis.

Humans , Male , Leptospira/classification , Leptospirosis/microbiology , Phylogeny , Rural Population , Brazil , Agglutination Tests , Serotyping , Electrophoresis, Gel, Pulsed-Field , Multilocus Sequence Typing , Serogroup , Leptospira/genetics , Leptospira/immunology , Leptospirosis/diagnosis , Middle Aged
Braz. j. microbiol ; 46(4): 1161-1164, Oct.-Dec. 2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-769663


Abstract We evaluated the renal colonization by Leptospira interrogans in Rattus norvegicus (rats), as it is the major natural reservoir of urban leptospirosis. We caught 72 R. norvegicus, out of which 32 were found to be positive for L. interrogans by immunofluorescence assay. From these rats, we selected 17 and divided them into six groups based on the mass-age/sex. We performed the immunohistochemistry test against L. interrogans in the kidney sections of the rats and systematically counted the colonized tubules (CTs) in 20 fields. The proportion of positive fields varied from 5% to 95%. The number of CTs in 20 fields varied from 0.5 to 85.5. These differences were not related to age or sex of the animals. The characterization of leptospiral colonization patterns in the natural reservoirs is important to better understand the host-pathogen interactions in leptospirosis.

Animals , Female , Male , Rats , Genetic Variation , Genotype , Leptospira interrogans/classification , Leptospira interrogans/isolation & purification , Leptospirosis/veterinary , Rodent Diseases/microbiology , Cities , Immunohistochemistry , Kidney/microbiology , Kidney/pathology , Leptospira interrogans/genetics , Leptospirosis/microbiology , Leptospirosis/pathology , Poverty Areas
Salud pública Méx ; 57(5): 419-425, sep.-oct. 2015. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-764723


Objetivo. Evaluar si el uso del panel de 19 cepas de leptospiras, sugerido por la Sociedad Internacional de Leptospirosis para la microaglutinación (MAT, por sus siglas en inglés), permite mayor confirmación de casos que el de 12 cepas. Material y métodos. Estudio observacional de corte transversal. Se estudiaron 441 muestras de sueros de pacientes de Argentina, derivadas para el diagnóstico de leptospirosis en los periodos de julio de 2009 a diciembre de 2010 y enero a octubre de 2013. Resultados. Se obtuvo el mismo resultado con el panel reducido que con el ampliado. En seis casos resultó presumiblemente infectante algún serovar del panel ampliado, aunque siempre coaglutinando con cepas del reducido. Conclusión. En Argentina, el diagnóstico de leptospirosis por MAT podría continuar realizándose con el panel reducido, lo que reduciría el costo y tiempo de diagnóstico. La información adicional que aportaría el panel ampliado está relacionada con la epidemiología, mediante un mejor conocimiento del serogrupo presumiblemente infectante.

Objective. To evaluate if the use of the 19 Leptospira strains panel suggested by the International Leptospirosis Society of World Health Organization for microagglutination allows confirmation of more cases that the 12 strains panel used in Argentina. Materials and methods. Cross-sectional observational study. We studied 441 serum samples corresponding to Argentinean patients with suspected leptospirosis derived during from July to December, 2009 and from January to October, 2013. Results. The same number of positive samples was obtained using the MAT with the 19 or 12 strains. In six cases a serovar of the expanded collection was presumably infecting, but always coagglutinated with strains of the reduced panel. Conclusion. In Argentina, the diagnosis of leptospirosis by MAT could be made using the reduced 12 strains panel, obtaining the same result in case detection as using the 19 strains panel. Additional information provided by the use of all strains could be the presumably infecting serogroup.

Humans , Agglutination Tests/standards , Leptospira/classification , Leptospirosis/diagnosis , Argentina/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Serogroup , Leptospirosis/microbiology , Leptospirosis/epidemiology
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 110(4): 485-491, 09/06/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-748871


Leptospirosis is a re-emerging zoonotic disease all over the world, important in tropical and subtropical areas. A majority of leptospirosis infected patients present as subclinical or mild disease while 5-10% may develop severe infection requiring hospitalisation and critical care. It is possible that several factors, such as the infecting serovar, level of leptospiraemia, host genetic factors and host immune response, may be important in predisposition towards severe disease. Different Leptospira strains circulate in different geographical regions contributing to variable disease severity. Therefore, it is important to investigate the circulating strains at geographical locations during each outbreak for epidemiological studies and to support the clinical management of the patients. In this study immunochromatography, microscopic agglutination test and polymerase chain reaction were used to diagnose leptospirosis. Further restriction fragment length polymorphism and DNA sequencing methods were used to identify the circulating strains in two selected geographical regions of Sri Lanka. Leptospira interrogans, Leptospira borgpetersenii and Leptospira kirschneri strains were identified to be circulating in western and southern provinces. L. interrogans was the predominant species circulating in western and southern provinces in 2013 and its presence was mainly associated with renal failure.

Adolescent , Adult , Animals , Female , Humans , Male , Leptospira/genetics , Leptospirosis/microbiology , Agglutination Tests , Chromatography, Affinity , Leptospira interrogans , Leptospira/classification , Leptospira/isolation & purification , Leptospirosis/epidemiology , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Polymorphism, Genetic , Prospective Studies , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Severity of Illness Index , Species Specificity , Sri Lanka/epidemiology
Braz. j. microbiol ; 45(4): 1527-1530, Oct.-Dec. 2014. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-741309


Two Leptospira sp. isolates were obtained by the first time from goats in Brazil and characterized by sequencing rrs, rpoB and secY genes, PFGE and typing with monoclonal antibodies. Both isolates are identical and belong to Leptospira santarosai. Analysis of the rrs and the rpoB genes sequences revealed 100% identity between the goat isolates and the Bananal reference strain. When secY sequences of the two isolates were compared to each other, it was observed that they had identical sequences. However, when compared to that of the Bananal reference strain, there were 15 mismatches along the 549 bp secY sequence. In conclusion, molecular methods are increasingly useful for the characterization of leptospires and allowed to identify those isolates of caprine origin as closely related but not identical to serovar Bananal, and constitute a new type named Carioca.

Animals , Asymptomatic Infections , Leptospira/isolation & purification , Leptospirosis/veterinary , Base Sequence , Brazil , Bacterial Proteins/genetics , DNA, Bacterial/chemistry , DNA, Bacterial/genetics , DNA, Ribosomal/chemistry , DNA, Ribosomal/genetics , DNA-Directed RNA Polymerases/genetics , Goats , Leptospira/classification , Leptospira/genetics , Leptospirosis/microbiology , Molecular Sequence Data , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Sequence Homology
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 34(3): 460-472, July-Sept. 2014. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-726791


Introducción. Es necesario desarrollar modelos de estudio de la leptospirosis. Objetivo. Genotipificar un aislamiento de Leptospira proveniente de una persona con síndrome de Weil y evaluar, con el modelo experimental en Mesocricetus auratus , su dinámica de infección. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo la genotipificación por análisis de las secuencias génicas rrs 16S y lipL32 . Se determinó la dosis letal media en hámster inoculada por vía intraperitoneal. Se identificaron los patrones de química clínica, la duración de la leptospiremia, la leptospiruria y la histopatología, comparados con el mismo modelo inoculado con la cepa de Leptospira interrogans (Fiocruz L1-130). Resultados. Mediante análisis molecular se determinó que el aislamiento correspondía a la especie patógena Leptospira santarosai . La bacteria se recuperó a partir de tejido de riñón y de pulmón, y se detectó por medio de PCR lipL32 en el tercer día después de la infección. La proteína C reactiva aumentó en el quinto día después de la infección (3,25 mg/dl; valor normal: 0,3 mg/dl) con una disminución en el día 18 (2,60 mg/dl; valor normal: 0,8 mg/dl). Los biomarcadores de urea mostraron alteraciones indicativas de falla renal aguda (día 5 después de la infección: 49,01 mg/dl y día 18: 53,71 mg/dl). La histopatología mostró neumonía intersticial con diferentes grados de hemorragia, así como nefritis intersticial. Conclusión. Se identificó la presencia de la especie L. santarosai con capacidad patógena comparable con la cepa Fiocruz L1-130 de L. interrogans , de reconocida virulencia y tropismo pulmonar, en cuanto a los aspectos histopatológicos de tropismo a pulmón y riñón. Nunca antes se había evaluado en un modelo experimental un aislamiento de origen local bajo estos criterios biológicos.

Introduction: Is necessary to develop models for the study of leptospirosis. Objective: To genotype a Colombian strain of Leptospira isolated from a human with Weil´s syndrome and to evaluate its infection dynamics in the hamster experimental model. Materials and methods: Genotyping was performed by amplification and sequence analysis of the rrs 16S and lipL32 genes. The median lethal dose was determined in intraperitoneally inoculated hamsters. The patterns of clinical chemistry, the duration of leptospiremia, leptospiruria and pathological findings were studied and compared in the same animal model infected with L. interrogans (Fiocruz L1-130). Results: Molecular typing revealed that the isolate corresponded to the pathogenic species L. santarosai, which was recovered from hamsters´ kidneys and lungs and detected by lipL32 PCR from day 3 post-infection in these organs. There was a marked increase of C-reactive protein in animals at day 5 post-infection (3.25 mg/dl; normal value: 0.3 mg/dl) with decreases by day 18 (2.60 mg/dl: normal value: 0.8 mg/dl). Biomarkers of urea showed changes consistent with possible renal acute failure (day 5 post-infection: 49.01 mg/dl and day 18 post-infection: 53.71 mg/dl). Histopathological changes included interstitial pneumonia with varying degrees of hemorrhage and interstitial nephritis. Conclusion: The pathogenic species L. santarosai was identified in Colombia. Its pathogenicity as determined by tropism to lung and kidney was comparable to that of L. interrogans Fiocruz L1-130, well known for its virulence and pulmonar tropism. The biological aspects studied here had never before been evaluated in an autochthonous isolate.

Animals , Cricetinae , Female , Humans , Male , Leptospira/pathogenicity , Leptospirosis/microbiology , Mesocricetus/microbiology , Bacteremia/microbiology , Bacterial Outer Membrane Proteins/genetics , Colombia , DNA, Bacterial/genetics , DNA, Ribosomal/genetics , Genotype , Host-Pathogen Interactions , Kidney/microbiology , Kidney/pathology , Leptospira interrogans/genetics , Leptospira interrogans/pathogenicity , Leptospira/classification , Leptospira/genetics , Leptospira/isolation & purification , Lipoproteins/genetics , Lung Diseases, Interstitial/microbiology , Lung/microbiology , Lung/pathology , Models, Animal , Nephritis, Interstitial/microbiology , Organ Specificity , RNA, Bacterial/genetics , /genetics , Species Specificity , Virulence
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 108(5): 668-670, ago. 2013. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-680761


Mice experimentally infected with a pathogenic strain of Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola produced false negative results (prozone effect) in a microscopic agglutination test (MAT). This prozone effect occurred in several serum samples collected at different post-infection times, but it was more prominent in samples collected from seven-42 days post-infection and for 1:50 and 1:100 sample dilutions. This phenomenon was correlated with increased antibody titres in the early post-infection phase. While prozone effects are often observed in serological agglutination assays for the diagnosis of animal brucellosis and human syphilis, they are not widely reported in leptospirosis MATs.

Animals , Female , Humans , Mice , Leptospira interrogans serovar canicola/immunology , Leptospirosis/diagnosis , Agglutination Tests , Antibodies, Bacterial/blood , Antibodies, Bacterial/immunology , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Leptospirosis/microbiology
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 46(2): 237-240, Mar-Apr/2013. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-674654


Introduction The aim of the study was to compare haemoglobin and red cell counts between patients known to be infected with a range of leptospiral serovars. Methods The study retrospectively compared the haemoglobin and red cell count results from the first blood samples taken from 207 patients at presentation to a Queensland Health hospital. Results Significant differences were observed in haemoglobin and red cell counts in those infected with Leptospira interrogans serovars Szwajizak and Canicola when compared with most of the other serovars. Conclusions These findings suggest that haemoglobin and red cell counts may be useful in differentiating leptospiral serovars in leptospirosis patients. .

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Erythrocyte Indices , Hemoglobins/analysis , Leptospira/classification , Leptospirosis/blood , Leptospirosis/microbiology , Cell Count , Retrospective Studies
Rev. chil. infectol ; 29(6): 641-647, dic. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-665569


Background: Leptospirosis is a zoonosis endemic in some regions in Chile. Since its inclusion into the list of notifiable diseases, the Chilean Ministry of Health was able to maintain an adequate surveillance of leptospirosis. Nonetheless, some cases are not reported due to subclinical disease or nonspecific symptoms. Objectives: Determine the national prevalence of leptospirosis and assess the epidemiological characteristics of seropositive individuals. Methods: Secondary data analysis of the National Health Survey, 2003. Results: National prevalence was 0.4%. Low socioeconomical status and female gender were characteristics, which were more frequently found in sero-positive cases. The most common serovars were icterohaemorrhagiae, bratislava and pomona. Conclusion: We present the first epidemiological analysis of leptospirosis on a national level in Chile. Thus, the study contributes to the knowledge the epidemiological situation of this disease in Chile.

Introducción: La leptospirosis es una zoonosis endémica en ciertas regiones de Chile. Desde que se incorporó esta enfermedad en la lista de las Enfermedades de Notificación Obligatoria (ENO) se ha logrado mantener una adecuada vigilancia. Sin embargo, existen casos subclínicos y con manifestaciones inespecíficas que no son reportados. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia nacional de leptospirosis y conocer características epidemiológicas de individuos seropositivos. Material y Métodos: Análisis de datos secundarios obtenidos en la Encuesta Nacional de Enfermedades Prioritarias, 2003. Resultados: La prevalencia nacional de leptospirosis fue 0,4%. Las características que se identificaron con mayor frecuencia en el grupo de personas positivas fueron nivel socio-económico bajo y sexo femenino. Los serovares más frecuentes fueron icterohaemorrhagiae, bratislava y pomona. Conclusión: Este es el primer trabajo de prevalencia nacional de leptospirosis realizado en Chile. Este estudio aporta al diagnóstico de situación de esta patología en nuestro país.

Adolescent , Adult , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Leptospirosis/epidemiology , Chile/epidemiology , Epidemiologic Methods , Leptospira/classification , Leptospirosis/microbiology , Socioenvironmental Therapy
Rev. argent. microbiol ; 43(4): 251-255, dic. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-634700


Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonosis caused by a spirochete that belongs to the genus Leptospira. In the last years, new methods, such as the PCR-based multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA), have been developed for the genotyping of leptospires. In the present work, the MLVA patterns for all reference strains used in Argentina for bovine, ovine, porcine, equine, caprine and canine leptospirosis diagnosis, as well as in human and wild animal diagnosis, were obtained. MLVA results are presented in such a way that they can be readily used for the identifcation of these strains by the simple and direct comparison of agarose gels. Making the use and interpretation of the MLVA for leptospires typing easier will help increase the use of this method as a routine procedure for human and animal diagnosis, for epidemiological studies, vaccine control and other applications.

La leptospirosis es una zoonosis de distribución global causada por una espiroqueta perteneciente al género Leptospira. En los últimos años se han desarrollado nuevos métodos para la genotipifcación de las leptospiras, entre ellos el denominado multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA). En este trabajo se obtuvieron los patrones de MLVA de todas las cepas de referencia utilizadas en la Argentina para el diagnóstico de leptospirosis en bovinos, ovinos, porcinos, equinos, caprinos y perros, y que también son utilizadas en el diagnóstico de leptospirosis en humanos y en animales salvajes. Los resultados del MLVA se muestran de manera tal que pueden ser fácilmente utilizados para la identifcación de estas cepas por simple comparación visual de geles de agarosa. Al facilitar el uso y la interpretación del MLVA para la tipifcación de leptospiras, se ayudará a difundir la utilización rutinaria de este método en el diagnóstico humano y animal, en estudios epidemiológicos y para el control de vacunas, entre otras aplicaciones.

Animals , Humans , DNA, Bacterial/genetics , Leptospira/genetics , Leptospirosis/diagnosis , Minisatellite Repeats , Animals, Domestic/microbiology , Animals, Wild/microbiology , Argentina/epidemiology , Electrophoresis, Agar Gel , Genotype , Leptospira interrogans/genetics , Leptospira/classification , Leptospirosis/microbiology , Leptospirosis/veterinary , Reference Standards , Species Specificity
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 44(2): 217-222, Mar.-Apr. 2011. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-586110


INTRODUÇÃO: O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar a ocorrência dos principais sorovares de Leptospira spp. em cães domésticos e humanos, notificados no ano de 2008, bem como os principais fatores de riscos em uma abordagem geográfica relacionados à doença no município de Uberlândia, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. MÉTODOS: Foram examinadas 268 amostras de soro sanguíneo de cães de diferentes bairros pertencentes aos distritos sanitários norte, sul, leste, oeste e central deste município, colhidas durante a campanha de vacinação antirrábica animal, em agosto de 2008. Foi realizada uma abordagem geográfica do município e avaliada a localização de áreas periféricas, aterro sanitário, coleta de lixo, notificação de roedores, casos de leptospirose humana e áreas de alagamento decorrente de enchentes, durante o ano de 2008. A leptospirose foi diagnosticada pela técnica de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM), padrão-ouro para diagnóstico da leptospirose animal e humana. RESULTADOS: Os cães reagiram principalmente aos sorovares Autumnalis (34,2 por cento) e Tarassovi (23,7 por cento), sendo este, também detectado em humanos em 2008. A ocorrência destes sorovares pode estar relacionada com uma fonte de infecção comum as duas espécies, ou a hipótese de que o cão possa ser a fonte de infecção para o ser humano. O distrito sanitário leste apresentou um maior número de cães reagentes. CONCLUSÕES: A leptospirose ocorreu nos cães e humanos no município de Uberlândia no ano de 2008. Esta doença muitas vezes negligenciada deve ser prevenida por representar risco à saúde pública e se parecer com outras doenças também endêmicas como a dengue.

INTRODUCTION:This study aimed to verify the occurrence of the principal Leptospira spp. serovars in domestic dogs and humans, notified in 2008, and the main risk factors in a geographic approach to the disease in the City of Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. METHODS: Canine blood serum samples (n=268) from different districts, belonging to the Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western and Central Sanitary Districts of Uberlandia, were collected during an animal vaccination campaign against rabies, in August 2008. A geographic approach to the city was conducted, including evaluation of locations in peripheral areas, waste landfills, garbage collection, rodent notification, human leptospirosis cases and overflow flood areas, during 2008. Leptospirosis was diagnosed using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT), the gold standard for animal and human leptospirosis diagnosis. RESULTS: Dogs mainly reacted to Autumnalis (34.2 percent) and Tarassovi (23.7 percent) serovars, while in humans, predominance of Tarassovi serovars occurred in the cases registered. The occurrence of these serovars could be related to an infection source common to both species, or dogs could be the infection source for humans. The Eastern Sanitary District showed a greater number of reactive dogs. CONCLUSIONS: Leptospirosis occurred in dogs and humans of the City of Uberlandia in 2008. This often neglected disease must be prevented because represents a public health risk and resembles other endemic illness like dengue.

Animals , Dogs , Humans , Dog Diseases/microbiology , Leptospira/classification , Leptospirosis/microbiology , Antibodies, Bacterial/blood , Brazil/epidemiology , Dog Diseases/diagnosis , Dog Diseases/epidemiology , Leptospira/immunology , Leptospirosis/diagnosis , Leptospirosis/epidemiology , Leptospirosis/veterinary , Risk Factors
Indian J Med Sci ; 2009 Aug; 63(8) 368-378
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-145439


Leptospirosis is an important cause of acute febrile illness in the monsoon season in India. It is a zoonotic disease that is spread primarily by rodents. There exist two clinical types: anicteric and icteric leptospirosis. Both have an initial septicemic phase followed by an immune phase. The clinical manifestations vary and the disease manifestations may range from a nonspecific febrile illness to one with severe multiorgan failure. Weil's disease is the severe form of the infection; which occurs in less than 10% of the patients and is associated with high mortality. The methods available for diagnosis and treatment of leptospirosis are discussed in this review. Crystalline penicillin is the drug of choice for treatment of leptospirosis in children. Avoidance of contact with flood waters and rodent control are vital for prevention of the disease. We also discuss the differences between childhood leptospirosis and adult disease. We used two methods to garner the information presented in this article: i) we searched the PubMed database ( using the keywords 'leptospirosis' and 'children,' with special emphasis given to articles from the Indian literature; and ii) we reviewed the chapters on leptospirosis in the standard textbooks of pediatric and infectious diseases.

Child , Diagnosis, Differential , Family Practice , Humans , India/epidemiology , Leptospirosis/diagnosis , Leptospirosis/epidemiology , Leptospirosis/microbiology , Leptospirosis/therapy , Prognosis